from day to day, we need to meet many people. as some of them are good or nice with us and some other are just ignore our existence. somehow, we are the only one who choose to accept all this with an open mind and an open heart.
one course mate(a) feel that he retreat by another course mate(b) for telling others that he(a) don't want to share with other course mate(c).
then (c) choose to that (b) is one of them which not allow to share with (c). btw, i'm (d) who also looking for sharing but same situation with (c) which restrict from (a) and (b) to share.
recently i had heard that (e) got some mess with (a) about the coursework.
although i don't really know what happen to them but i think will this all worth to exist while we are alive and can't meet each other?
maybe recently i lost some love one, so i don't really wanted to see all of this happen. why not we just live happily each? we can make fun of each but in the same way, we can caring them with our true heart. maybe i'm too naive to believe all this. but i'm just with my pure heart to make friend some time.
5 weeks ago